Saturday, February 7, 2009

Red Hot Chilli Tadka at Tolly club

Red Hot Chilli Pipers a Bagpiper band from Scotland performed to capacity crowds at Tollygunj Club, Kolkata. These eight ambassadors of Scotland, were at their best and lighted the club’s maiden to an equally enthusiastic crowd. This musical bonanza was organized by British Council in conjunction with Tolly Club. Red Hot Chilli Pipers sound - a fusion of traditional pipe tunes and contemporary anthems - 'Bagrock' includes the likes of 'Clocks' by Coldplay, Queen's 'We Will Rock You' and a rock medley of Deep Purple's 'Smoke On The Water' and AC/DC's 'Thunderstruck'. 'Flower of Scotland' and 'The Hills of Argyll' with Chilli style !

Stuart Cassells, Chilli's founding member and musical director was at the mike with his piper. Joining Stuart were Grade 1 piper Kevin MacDonald and Willie Armstrong. Twice world champion snare drummer Steven Graham and Malcolm McEwan make up the band's percussion section with back up from rock 'n' roll drummer Steven Black. Completing the line up are the youngest Chilli and new kid on the block Chris Russell was on keyboards and (G- Man) Gregor James was on guitar.

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