Friday, October 3, 2008

Ritchie Park lite's up for Puja !

Ballygunj Pooja Samiti is all set for holding puja at Maddox square this year. Maddpox Square (Ritchie Park) hosts one of the most popular puja of Kolkata, Capital city of West Bengal. Last minute touches are still being done by the artists. (photographs are dated Oct 3) More than a lakh visitors will be visiting the pandals everyday at Maddox square. This time Pandal shape emulating 'Belurmath' (which is one of the most enchanting temple near Kolkata) has been errected in Ritchie park. Though rain has been a dampner but not themood of people ! More than 50 stalls for eatries are being errected around the pandal.

Zee Bangla will be telecasting the Puja action live. This is the second year they have got the rights to air the Maddox Square Puja . It has been reported in media that 'Zee' has paid Rs 12 lakh as sponsorship for the same ! Lanes across Ritchie Road, Pailt street, have been lit up by the samiti and all along one can see hoardings of Zee and Aircell, Aircell - may be supporting Zee's live action.

1 comment:

Varun Gupta said...

Nice blog yaar...
I saw all your postings.
Proud to be Kolkatans.
Keeping posting and make us proud.